For travelers, Rockstays is a platform where one can book unique stays & curated experiences/packages in private villas, boutique hotels, palaces, wildlife lodges, hostels & more-directly with property owners For property owners, Rockstays is a unique software where stays and curated packages can be showcased, shared and sold in a COMMISSION FREE environment. The software is also a centralized communication tool, digital marketing platform, free to use booking engine and self promotion tool
Travel, Tourism & Leisure: Overview
Tourism consists of travelling to different locations, for either business or leisure purposes. The sector includes transportation, accommodation, entertainment, food and beverage, along with several related services.
A growing base of Travel, Tourism & Leisure businesses are part of the GlobalLinker platform. This includes business owners in the following categories — Hotels, Motels, Inns, Resorts & Cruise Immigration Services, Leisure & Recreation Services, Online Travel Companies, Ticketing Services, Tour Agents & Guides, Transportation Services, Travel Accessories, Travel Agents, Travel Services
GlobalLinker offers Travel, Tourism & Leisure businesses rich opportunities to showcase their business; network with other business owners; find customers, partners and suppliers; digitise their services; benefit from a host of knowledge resources and events; and avail of special offers for their business growth.
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